Automotive products are evolving to prioritize safety, energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, and pollution reduction. Adhesive usage in vehicle bodies is crucial and widely applied, serving various purposes such as sealing, shock absorption, rust prevention, sound insulation, and thermal insulation. These adhesive techniques provide an alternative to traditional welding methods, optimizing the production process. Therefore, selecting the appropriate welding adhesive is of utmost importance.
Yelimlash joyining past aniqligi
The presence of irregular points on the component product hampers the precise positioning of manual gluing application, leading to reduced accuracy.
Yomon ishchi hamkorlik va izchillik
Gluing task requires two manual operators: one loads and unloads materials, while the other applies adhesive with a glue gun.
Yomon yopishtirish muhiti
Handheld adhesive application equipment creates a disorganized and untidy work environment.
The task involves using the DUCO Cobot with additional axis and an adhesive supply system, along with a safety laser scanner. A multi-hamkorlikdagi robot, GCR20, equipped with a glue gun and tooling, is employed in the project. The robot follows a predetermined path for adhesive application while the operator handles part loading and clamping. Upon completion, the robot performs adhesive application at both workstations as instructed by the operator.
Yuqori darajadagi xavfsizlik himoyasi
Ish stantsiyasida uskunaning atrofini kuzatish va kirishni boshqarish, operator xavfsizligini ta'minlash va xodimlarning umumiy himoyasini yaxshilash uchun xavfsizlik gilamchalari va lazer skanerlarini o'z ichiga olgan ilg'or xavfsizlik choralari mavjud.
Sifat kafolati va ekologik toza
Uzoq muddatli barqarorlik va boshqarish qulayligi uchun ishonchli, kam texnik xizmat ko'rsatish, izchil mahsulot sifati, samarali oqish nazorati va atrof-muhit ifloslanishining oldini olishni taklif qiluvchi yopishtiruvchi qoplama tizimini joriy etish.
Yuqori ROI
Mijozlarning o‘zgarishini hisoblash natijasida bitta operator tejaldi, samaradorlik 15 foizga oshdi va 15 oylik sarmoya daromadiga erishildi.
Blok 4. No.358 Jinhu Road, Pudong tumani, Shanxay, Xitoy